you are getting ready to have more!!

I know it hurts

I know it hurts a lot

but don’t get ahead just to escape it

that hurt came to test you

it wanted to make you hard

hard enough so that you handle

winning steady and not stormy

it came your way to pace your emotions

it wants to affirm that

everything that start will end

and peace comes by pacing your emotional stability

and you, just hang in there

you are getting ready to have more in life!

pranavya varma

Give time, not tension!

I know
there is negativity all round
they come uninvited
and make it look you are too small
in your own space

try to avoid them for all good
but I know
sometimes, we fall for traps
and you are no different

In such cases, self worth falls sick
that’s when you are at risk

Be your biggest motivator
as nothing can beat your morale
when you stay rock and cheer for your right

give time and not tension
you got it!

Pranavya Varma

Start it tight, to settle it right!

I don’t know if I would make it big but I will do everything possible for a better version of me, which can always change my season of life, drawing in more and more opportunities my way.

Only if I start it now, I would reach my miles without worrying about not reaching in the right time because mood may change but winning moments won’t!

There is always a spirit when we head on things, never calm it down for any right or wrong reason because one paused process will cost your progress.

We may have people that got your back to set us up and step up the game when needed, but remember we can’t look back to count our comrades in the actual game so be courageous to complete it single handedly by being your own confidante.

Pranavya Varma

Happy Note!

Whenever I get to see his work, I feel motivated, I feel understood, I feel that we will eventually meet the right people who will hear us exactly the way we want.

I know, it is not everyone’s luxury to find someone like that on daily routine but glad that I am fortunate to cross paths with him.

I adore him for his way of putting things so smooth that you don’t ever like to mishandle it. It makes you feel accountable for carrying things that they are meant to and anything other way is demeaning!

It takes a broken heart to understand the power of unbroken and unshaken living. I wish after him, everyone should take the path of healing people than pleasing people just to be able to bear it.

He is such a lovely barrier and carrier of self love, when we want to feel more merrier and better from the daily chaos.

I will be always and forever grateful for having known him!

Pranavya Varma

don’t lose to them!

there will be many things 
that pull you down everyday around you

you get tired and vexed in the process of standing tall beyond everything 
but things get more complex and bigger with time 

that one day, you are left with nothing positive to stand

neither your mind nor your body will cooperate with you 
but still don't lose hope

you got your heart to remind that you are still alive 
and you should march ahead 

to let every other thing to follow you 
which left you in middle way

Pranavya Varma
Don’t miss to take a look at my recent work, much love!