I lied…

I lied to you saying I didn’t love you..

I lied to you saying I am happy!

I lied to you saying nothing has changed..

I lied to you saying I am not bothered!

I wish my lies will help you to move on for someone who is made for you..

But truth is my love for you will never die till I do..


Blame Game..!!

Many of us have heard this statement as it is very popular among guys saying….
Girls are great at erasing their love memories!!
Which is a big trash I can say…
Being girl I know how special we feel when we are in love.. May be successful or may be not!
But the feel it leaves is so high….That can’t be expressed!
I agree faults happen as we are normal human but I really don’t understand why guys always brand girls for it..
Usually love may happen between any two anytime…May be in first look or after more..
They would have started directing one plane but later circumstances might have landed them different!
As we never know how life takes on…..Which is so uncertain!!
Separation can also happen due to wrong mapping…Which is very obvious…
After being for some time, both the parties may feel the gap of thought and opinion making!
So at every phase of life, it is common to feel the change….Some of us gets along the change though it is hard as not to miss their love/lovable being bonded for so long..
Whereas others feel it better to part ways instead of taking worst out of their relation…
I highly recommend them to act wholeheartedly as we have only one life here…Make most of it!!
Girls can be the reason equally guys can be!
I personally witnessed many of my girl buddies in pain by losing their best half’s for notable reasons..
And it’s not that easy to make as we think it is…
They almost felt like done for life!!
But still take time to think….As we are brought down for some purpose, please head your path to find that!
Probably you may find your next someone special as life has to move on!!
We never know when and where the life showers its magic on us…So don’t be passive!! Keep running with the time!!
And guys my sincere request is please don’t flag girls as the only reason for failure….
Be open to facts….
One last thing I want to conclude with is…Everything should happen at proper age, we find many guys and girls falling for their mates at tenderly age with a high chance of wrong taking!
So my dear buddies….Take time as we have enough to experience all round!
Be patient and open enough to receive most adorable piece of human..

wishing everyone love filled life 🙂


i like speaking to him over phone
it gives me more energy
once he asked me if i like him
i said yes, i like you
then again he asked me if i love him
i said i don’t know
i didn’t feel i would miss my life without him
but i must agree i missed talking to him
he is disappointed with me
don’t know if i am right

Lost in way.. (Heart/Mind)??

Got to see from an influencer post that: Only ask “WHY?” when you can gain. Never ask it when you know there is no answer.

I know it is wise to act so, but don’t know why my heart don’t get it right as always!..

I know that he don’t think as much as I do but still why I am this mad for him when the hell he feels I’m not made for him…

Why always I fall weak in knees for him?

I have great interest in self-respect yet don’t know what overcomes it in his case.

Why the damn I’m lost in him when I won’t receive the same ?

What am I low to him for such treatment??

Will he get a girl who loves him more than me….I bet he won’t!

I really feel bad as he don’t realize this fact…Poor guy!

Let him pay the cost by losing me!

He will get to know on a fine day of perfect timings, the worth he lost…

That day, that min. he understands the meaning of real pain…what I am going through all the while!!

Which drills one’s heart so deep that no drug can heel..

Love #Sweet@feel #Bad@facts# Pain@heart#



Something noted at heart..

May not be felt at mind…

Very light at look…

But leaves a mark so deep…

Can’t be expressed by mere words…..

Needs language of understanding for taking the real sense!

Only feel that knots two bodies to a single soul…

Which portrays the real personality on edges..

It sketches both your weakness and strength…

Where no one is an exception….


Here I would like to showcase a short story based on a real experience!

Characters: I and my friend
Place: Tea Stall

I and my friend used to reside in a rented apartment and we have a habit of wandering all through the roads and corners near by my place in our free time and weekends where we pass time enjoying nature around and taste all the junk and street special food placed!!

As a part, we happened to step into a tea stall and it is heavily crowded and covered with men of all age groups and not lucky enough to glimpse at least one female yet we determined to proceed and place our order!

When we are on our move to do it, we came with lot many countering looks posing us pocket full of queries as
1. How insane??
2. Don’t they have a home where they make a tea for themselves??
3. Ayey ladki…
4. Below dignity line..

We are really screwed up by the way we got addressed, In-fact in a state of lost for words types!
I and my friend have only one thing running on mind…
What really made everyone raise their eyebrow when a girl steps in???
Is it not a normal place where everyone can walk through ???
Is it favoured only for boys to chill out in such places???

Once if a girl passes through….How is it that easy to mark her character loose…Please don’t dare drawing your intuition on her skin…

Usually these common reasons quote the fact why girls are not seen in our corner end tea stalls!!

But boss…We are not regular who gets stopped when judged against truthless opinions…

we make a difference…Less concerned on crazy stuff which is not worth to buy at-least some nuts…
Not bothered how others think….Who don’t pay us for our cup of tea!

We continued to do the way we like….Happy to note…We are followed by other few girls around!


Do you Dream??

Hey are you dreaming??

Yes.. I always get lost in dreaming_ high source of creativity and imagination!

It’s where I turn my fantasies to realities…

As we mark doubt as block of knowledge, it is equally evident to quote dream as block of achievement!!

With continuous effort…you can find your destined path from them!

If we can remind.. we are met with many dreams in our childhood which are so seriously discussed later with mom and friends….

Can I check here, how many of us continue even now with constructive dreaming??

I dare enough to bet on this, more than half had given up this area in their busy life…..

But I am not sure if they really know that they are leading a passive life with null expectations….

Everyone has certain things about ourselves that are Meant to be cherished, not changed!!They are meant to be decoded, not bottled…like our dreams!

Dreams helps in pursuing more from life….So …”Happy dreaming”!!



Do you ever understand??

Though by spell, it sounds under…It always places you high and above everyone if you own it!

You can easily find “I know” but hard to see “I understand”

Thinking big is not notable than understanding small things…

Never expect someone to understand your words, if they can’t understand your silence…

As long you keep judging, you can’t taste the power of understanding!

We are mere humans_ No one is perfect_ so make a habit of understanding others!

Bold is Beautiful….!!!

Have you ever imagined that you need to owe something for being yourself??

Am I Sounding crazy?

No….Absolutely not!

I am serious to take your precious time and to make you nod for the facts I put front!!

Here starts the game…Did you ever say your parents…You wanna quit something that they planned for you as that’s not your cup of tea??

Did you ever correct your teacher/elder for a misconception when you are clear on it??

Did you ever slap anyone who is creating nonsense and objecting something in the hour of emergency??

Everyone likes to be so… but I strongly believe very few follow it and I fall into the same genre!

Please break the bricks and be bold….Not for heroic image for but the self-love!!


Feeling love with writing..!

Don’t know when and where I fall for you!

Since the very moment I started living my life….

The sense of owning you in the highest earned gift on earth!!

Feeling strong with You (In Need)….

Weak in knees for acknowledging it!!

Our love for something should never die if it makes you live and laugh….

Winning or loosing is never a matter until doing it wrong!

You are my best choice out of many destined chances….

Thanks (My Pen & Pad) for accompanying me here and after all thru my thick and thin!!